MISS Lecky, lady clerk at Mr. D. Gellately’s Agency, Chelsea, was unlucky enough to lose a bag containing her week’s wages and a few shillings over, on Saturday last. She was setting out from the office for Henley at the time. She discovered her loss before reaching the station. The bag contained, in addition to the cash, a few visiting cards with the young lady’s name and address thereon. Whoever found it will surely return it, on hearing that it is the young lady’s week’s wages, which is certainly a severe loss. Whoever retains it is a poor sport indeed.…
Author: Cameron McCullough
INTRODUCED by Mr. A. Downward, M.L.A., a deputation from Red Hill district waited on the Minister for Railways last Wednesday and requested that the line which now ends at Red Hill should be extended to Daldry’s Corner, a distance of five miles, and subsequently on to Boneo. The speakers included Cr. M. B. Wettenhall, Messrs. T. Barley, W. Roberts, T. Swift, R. G. Barrett, W. M. True and R. Keys. They informed the Minister that when the former Minister (Mr. S. Barnes) opened the line to Red Hill he stated it was not intended that Red Hill should be the…
THE continuous rainfall during the past week caused all the waterways to become swollen, and everywhere water was swirling along with an almost irresistible force. Boggy creek, draining as it does, an extensive watershed spread over its surroundings, and with its large volume of impetuous waters, tore out a great gap in the main road, stretching from Frankston to Cranbourne. At this point the road is raised to a high bank and the culvert being unable to carry away the oncoming, flood waters a great body of it accumulated, and by its superior force, crumpled up the high road bank…
A SERIOUS accident occurred Wednesday last, on the Hastings Road, Frankston, when Mrs. Roslyn Parris, of Baxter was driving her horse and gig into the market, was proceeding along the road, about 12.45pm, when a motor lorry laden with roofing tiles crashed into the rear of her gig, smashing it and the harness to pieces, throwing the lady heavily to the ground, rendering her unconscious. Mrs. Parris was attended by Dr. Johnston who was summoned to the scene of the accident, and removed to Nurse Campbell’s private hospital “St. Pancras”, where she was admitted suffering from severe shock and bruises,…
ON Monday afternoon at 2pm a wood-cutter, named William Singleton, aged 43, single, who was felling trees for Mr. Holland, at Flinders, met with a fearful accident. At 7pm Mr. Holland became alarmed at the non-appearance of Singleton. He went in search and found the missing man pinned beneath a fallen tree. Jacks were necessary to release him, and after five hours of agony and inability to move, Mr. Holland conveyed the man in his own car to Dr. Maxwell’s surgery at Frankston. Dr. Maxwell found the injuries to be of so severe a nature that he ordered his immediate…