VERY great sympathy was expressed with Cr. F. H. Wells and Mrs Wells when it was heard that their second eldest son, W. Wells, had been the victim of what appears to have been a cowardly assault on Saturday night last. It appears that the lad was returning home from the picture show when he was attacked and rendered unconscious. He was conveyed to his home by friends and Dr. Maxwell was speedily in attendance. The lad, who is 18 years of age, did not regain consciousness for several hours. His condition, although somewhat improved, is still serious. It is…
Author: Cameron McCullough
THE shire secretary, Mr. John E. Jones yesterday received application from the secretary of the Amateur Sports Club, Melbourne, asking permission to use the Frankston park for the commencement of the Olympic Marathon test race on Saturday, 29th September. The application was granted. This race from Frankston to Melbourne will commence at 1 o’clock, and is really a test to select a representative for Australia at the Paris games next year. The shire president, councillors and leading members of Frankston sports clubs will assist on the day, and as competitors will be present from all the States considerable public interest…
THOSE persons who decline to sit at table whilst there are thirteen present, and who scent the gravest danger if it should so happen, that there is thirteen at any gathering, will now have a further proof of the fatality that they allege goes with the number thirteen. Recently the leg of a racing pigeon was washed up on the bench at Edithvale, with the dread thirteen on its leg band. Of course, there is no doubt that the poor bird would have died a similar death if his number had been any but thirteen; still those good souls who…
CONDITIONS were perfect for football on Saturday last and a big crowd witnessed the first semi-final match between Somerville and Frankston at Somerville. The special train chartered by the Frankston club was well patronised. In the first two contests between these two clubs Somerville defeated Frankston rather easily – the first game Somerville scored 9.7 to 6.12; the second, 13.10 to 4.0; whilst Frankston had their revenge in the third match. Somerville had a strong eighteen in the field, but Frankston were minus Arthur Gamble, who is on the injured list, and this sturdy follower’s assistance was sadly missed in…
POLLING was conducted in two ridings of the Shire of Frankston, and Hastings yesterday, when Cr. J. A. Alden succeeded in retaining his seat in the East Riding against his old-time opponent, Mr. T. Barclay, Hastings. Cr. Alden, as was forecasted by “The Standard” had no difficulty in heading the poll – being returned by the handsome majority of 146 votes. The Mount Eliza Riding contest proved much more interesting. Cr. May, as we previously stated, made many friends during his two years term at the council table, and as events proved, those friends proved in a practical way their…