TWO men who helped save the life of a man who collapsed after a sudden heart attack at Carrum train station have received community hero awards from Ambulance Victoria.
Peter Langley-Bates, from Patterson Lakes, and Anthony Kennedy, from Frankston, immediately came to Crayton King’s aid on 27 March this year when Mr King suffered a cardiac arrest with no prior warning.
Both men took turns performing CPR on Mr King until paramedics arrived.
Mr Langley-Bates, a train station attendant at the time, said he called 000 before directing train passengers away from the area where Mr King was receiving help and joining Mr Kennedy to resuscitate the stricken man aged in his 60s.
“By the time I got out there Anthony had actually got him on the ground and started CPR … and I was talking to the ambulance lady [on the phone] while Anthony was doing CPR … he took a break and we just tag teamed until the paramedics arrived.”
Mr Langley-Bates says anyone can help if they see someone injured or in sudden strife even if they have no medical training. Instructions will be given by calling 000 and it is better than doing nothing for fear of doing the wrong thing.
“The 000 operator should get credit too. She was relaying the messages about what to do,” he said.
Ambulance Victoria Acting CEO Tony Walker said Mr King was conscious and alert when loaded to hospital and has since recovered.
“This year we recognise 13 members of the community and a workplace for their actions, which resulted in lives being saved and more positive outcomes for patients,” Mr Walker said.
“A medical emergency can occur anywhere and often when we least expect it. How we react to that emergency can depend on our willingness to step beyond our own fear and place our own comfort and safety at risk to reach out and help another human being in distress. Their actions are clearly heroic.”
Since the Awards’ inception, almost 250 community heroes have been chosen from hundreds of paramedic nominations.
Mr Walker said that he hoped that others faced with a medical emergency would be inspired to take similar action should they ever find themselves in a medical emergency.