FRANKSTON Special Developmental School principal Scott Tucker has been named Outstanding Principal in this year’s Principals’ Association of Specialist Schools awards.
Education Minister James Merlino, in presenting the PASS awards, said they were a “chance to celebrate the outstanding achievements of those working with children and young people with disabilities at Victoria’s specialist schools”.
“PASS is committed to excellence and innovation in Victorian specialist education, and these awards celebrate the people in our state who are doing that every single day,” he said.
“Every award winner has made an outstanding contribution to the learning, wellbeing and life outcomes of Victorian kids with disabilities. These awards recognise their excellence and commitment.”
Mr Tucker said the award referred to his involvement in the management of an outdoor education school at Blackwood, on the Lerderderg river, 89 kilometres north-west of Melbourne.
He said it made mention of “my contribution to state education for Blackwood and going above and beyond my role at Frankston”.
He praised the Blackwood school for giving special needs children “the chance to play, while learning independent living skills, leadership, and how to interact with the environment” instead of being kept inside a classroom.
Frankston Special Developmental School has 140 students and was set up in Karingal in 1983. Mr Scott has spent 10 years there, including five as assistant principal.
“I am proud of the school,” he said.