BOUNDARIES will be put in place to limit advertising around sports field boundaries at Kingston reserves.
Under new guidelines adopted by Kingston Council advertising signs are allowed on scoreboards, coaches’ boxes and fences but not on toilet blocks.
Club identification signs are allowed on pavilions and a limited number of free-standing signs will be allowed to promote club membership drives and events.
Kingston mayor Cr Tamsin Bearsley said the Guidelines for Advertising and Promotional Signs on Council Sporting Reserves “struck a fine balance between meeting the needs of local sports clubs and responding to resident concerns over the growing amount of advertising at local reserves”.
“By introducing common-sense boundaries we can keep our parks looking pristine while still allowing local sports clubs to seek financial support from the community,” Cr Bearsley said.
The policy covers all Kingston sporting reserves, except Moorabbin Reserve and Kingston Heath Regional Soccer Centre where separate signage and sponsorship arrangements already exist.
“Sports clubs will have two years to make any required changes to allow them plenty of time to adjust,” Cr Bearsley said.
The mayor noted some councils elsewhere had banned all advertising but Kingston Council “believes our local sports clubs play a huge role in helping create a healthier, more connected community and want to support them in this role.”
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 17 August 2016