A FORMER Frankston mayor has thrown his hat back into the ring as a candidate at next month’s council election.
Kris Bolam, 30, elected Frankston’s youngest councillor in 2008 and youngest mayor in 2010, says council’s “constant blatant trail of wasteful spending” is the reason he decided to run as a council candidate.
He said a “$1.5 million blowout” on the Wells St revamp project and council’s attempt to stop providing hard waste collections were “the last straw”.
Mr Bolam, a Victoria Police protective services officer and Justice of the Peace, has served on a number of boards including charities Enveco Health and Life Gate.
He slammed “a culture of waste and secrecy” in recent times at Frankston Council and said he will fight cuts to core services such as Meals on Wheels and the Hard Waste Collection program.
“I’ll also reign in outrageous senior staff expenses which range anything from $150,000 all the way up to $330,000 per year.”
The former mayor, who decided not to recontest the 2012 council election, said he aimed to “eliminate” council’s $37 million debt by the end of the next four-year council term.
Nominations for council candidates are open now and close at noon on Tuesday 20 September.
See the Victorian Electoral Commission website at vec.vic.gov.au or call 8619 1478 for further information.