VETS’ surgeries at Patterson River, Kingston and Chelsea were raided last week. Thieves smashed a rear glass door to break into the Patterson River Veterinary Clinic, 4.40am, Wednesday 30 November, causing $1000 damage.
They rummaged through draws in the reception area of the McLeod Rd, Carrum, surgery, before stealing a donation tin. They drove off in an old Toyota Camry which was seen leaving the car park.
Kingston Veterinary Hospital, in Lower Dandenong Rd, Mentone, was broken into 2.30am, Saturday 3 December. Police believe the same offenders may have attempted to break in the night before. They used a jemmy bar to force a security door then smashed a window to gain entry, stealing a laptop.
Offenders kicked and jemmied open the front door of the Chelsea Veterinary Clinic, Nepean Hwy, 6pm, Saturday 3 December. They ransacked cupboards and drawers and got away with only $15 in coins from the reception area.
Call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 7 December 2016