FRANKSTON Council’s highest-paid employee has turned down a pay rise.
Councillors conducted council CEO Dennis Hovenden’s annual performance review last month and collectively decided his performance as “satisfactory” according to the minutes of the 3 April council meeting.
The minutes also revealed Mr Hovenden decided not to accept a proposed 2 per cent increase on his $325,000 annual remuneration including pre-tax payments on a vehicle.
“I have decided not to accepted a proposed increase to my remuneration as chief executive officer of Frankston City Council,” Mr Hovenden said in a statement.
“I have made this decision in fairness to the council and ratepayers, as I believe I am adequately remunerated for my role.”
The mayor Cr Colin Hampton said: “As CEO, Mr Hovenden is responsible for managing over 1000 staff and an operating budget of over $145 million which delivers the many services, infrastructure and facilities expected by our community.
“Mr Hovenden is a huge asset to Frankston City and has worked tirelessly during his six years here to deliver the best possible outcomes for residents, businesses and visitors.
“I thank him for his positive contributions to the local community and look forward to his ongoing leadership.
“When benchmarking Mr Hovenden’s remuneration to that of other Victorian Council’s, this amount is considerably lower than his peers. His decision to not accept an increase is again a testament to his commitment to his job and the local community.”
Mr Hovenden said he “will continue to work hard in achieving the best possible outcomes for council on behalf of the Frankston City community.”
The CEO’s current four-year contract expires in October 2019.
Neighbouring Kingston Council CEO John Nevins received a 1.5 per cent pay rise last month after an annual performance review, taking his remuneration to $382,270 annually.
In Frankston, Mr Hovenden and then mayor Cr Brian Cunial named themselves as complainants about “governance concerns” to the Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate when it was announced by the Labor state government the inspectorate had recommended a monitor be appointed at Frankston Council.