ON Tuesday evening Mrs Parker, wife of Mr E. J. Parker, president of the Frankston Football Club, tendered a complimentary dinner to the premiers of the recent competition, at the Bay View Hotel.
There was a representative gathering of players and members of the Club.
Great care had been expended by the hostess in preparing for the occasion.
The banquet hall was a blaze of color composed of flags and floral effects with an artistic blending of red and black, representing the victorious team’s colors.
The Union Jack and Australian Flag appropriately occupied pride of place, and accorded perfectly with the sentiments of the guests.
It is a noteworthy fact that not less than 14 players out of 18 are Returned Soldiers.
Meeting on the evening of the first anniversary of the armistice gave added zest to the proceedings.
The table decorations were in keeping with the other excellent appointments, and reflected great credit on these responsible for the work.
Mr H. J. McCulloch occupied the chair, and he had on his right hand Mr E. J. Parker, the president, and on his left Mr W. Cain, captain of the premier team.
The Chairman gave the toast of The King and the company rose, and sang The National Anthem.
Mr Brierley presided at the piano.
In proposing the toast of the Premier Team Mr W. W. Young said the task allotted him afforded him great pleasure.
The winning of the premiership by the Frankston Club was a cause of extreme gratification.
While members of the club and its supporters were naturally jubilant at the victory gained, the players themselves accepted their honors with becoming modesty.
The Frankston team had fought a great uphill fight, and had gained the premiership by sheer merit.
They had started out practically a new team, many of the players being strangers to one another.
It had taken time for them to settle down and work with a system.
The result of the earlier matches proved this.
Their ultimate victory was therefore all the more creditable. (Cheers.)
He hoped that the coming years had still further honors in store for the Frankston club. (Cheers. )
Mr. J. A. Cameron on being called up to respond received an ovation mingled with cries of “good old Joker.”
He admitted that the Frankston team had justly earned his victory.
His further remarks indicated that the winning of the Peninsula premiership still left the successful team a long way short of perfection.
Not till the last two or three matches, he said, did Frankston play anything like competition winners.
Success only came when they pulled themselves together and developed something like “system”.
His advice was to call out some of the old players and make room for the young men.
“Some of us are too old”, he rather ruefully admitted, “my idea is that the best team is a youngsters team.”–Applause.
Mr W. Cain in an excellent speech, proved that football is not his only forte.
As captain of the premier team he thanked the “boys” who on the field had carried for him that proud distinction.
It afforded him pleasure to think of how Saturday after Saturday the boys had taken their places, regardless of injuries and other disabilities, imbued seemingly with the great idea of keeping up the standard of the team and winning. (cheers)
He had to pay special tribute to his friend “Joker” Cameron, who as vice captain had made the speaker’s duties comparatively light. (Hear Hear).
The speaker also thanked the committee, patrons, and all supporters of the club for the loyal support extended to the team right through.
He hoped the players would continue to strive to keep football at a high standard, and that the good feeling that had prevailed right through the season would continue.
They were all proud of the honors won, and he hoped the ambition of all would be to still keep the pennant waving over Frankston, (cheers.)
The toast of “The Hostess” was given by Mr C. Dalman.
This was not the first time Frankston had been premiers, but he believed it was the first time in the history of the club that the president’s wife had entertained the premier team. (Cheers).
He believed that one of the factors that made for the success of the team was the interest displayed by the ladies, (Applause.)
The present splendid banquet would long serve to revive kindly memories of Mrs Parker in the minds of Frankston Footballers, (Cheers.)
The chairman in endorsing the foregoing remarks said that in his long experience he had never seen such an excellent dinner in connection with a football function.
The toast was suitably acknowledged on behalf of Mrs Parker.
Other speakers included Messrs Moon, C. Willox, Egan, Verney, Murphy, Bolger and the president.
The singing of Auld Lang Syne terminated a most successful evening.
THE first motor wagon load of new potatoes left Frankston on Wednesday night for the Victorian market.
They were grown at Mt Eliza by Mr. J. Bradbury, of the Fernery, Frankston, and are of the variety known as Arren Chief.
MR. A. Sullivan, of the Frankston Boot Emporium, has purchased the boot repairing business of Mr G. Farmer, which the new proprietor will conduct on up-to-date lines, in addition to his popular Bay Street establishment.
ON Friday evening next the recently established Frankston Grammar School purpose holding their first concert, the proceeds to be devoted to the sports and school equipment funds.
Root’s beautiful cantanta “The Flower Queen” will be rendered by the pupils under the leadership of their headmaster, Mr Austin, who himself takes the part of Recluse.
The music is bright and melodious and the whole action lends itself to graceful and picturesque appearances.
We confidently recommend this concert to our music loving community and predict a very successful evening.
AT the monthly meeting of the committee of the Frankston Mechanics’ Institute, held on Monday evening, Cr. W. P. Mason, (vice president) in the chair, an application was received from Mr. E. Barrett, Secretary of the Local Committee for Repatriation, asking if one of the ante rooms attached to hall could be available as an office for Repatriation purposes.
It was decided to offer the room used in connection with the court work at a nominal rental of 2s 6d per week.
A monster “Welcome Home “’ was tendered to about a dozen local lads on Friday evening last.
Cr Turner occupied the chair, and presentations were made by Cr Murray.
Other speakers were Capt Guy and Capt. Gates, and Capt L. G. Cole replied on behalf of the “Diggers”.
A splendid programme was submitted, which was followed by a dance, and kept going until the early hours.
FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 14 November 1919