AN eight-storey extension to the Bayside Shopping Centre has been approved by the planning minister.
Frankston MP Paul Edbrooke confirmed that the project had been given the green light last week. “The project is shovel ready and will assist in stimulating our economy with a capital expenditure of $240 million, and creating employment with 210 construction jobs and 1,470 ongoing jobs in our CBD. These are a priority in the current economic circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic,” he posted on his Facebook page.
“The eight-storey development will deliver a high-quality urban design outcome and achieve a high sustainability rating. The project includes 14,037 square metres of office floorspace with 1,772 square metres of retail floorspace at ground level. The project will enhance the public realm, particularly for pedestrians using Balmoral Walk, White Street Mall and Shannon Street Mall.”
The project had been put before Frankston Council in August, although they deferred a vote on the proposal. The minister had written to council in July to tell them he was considering preparation of a planning scheme amendment to directly enable the construction of the building.
Councillors signalled their concern that the proposal would not have a sufficient amount of car parking (“Shopping centre expansion considered”, The Times, 17/8/20).
A compleat waste of money, At this point in time Balmoral is havi.g new pavers placed, so they can be ripped up again when the new work begins, go fugure. Shoppers are never going to come to Bayside because of parking prices, where other shopping centres offer free parking upto 2 hrs. People of frankston now have their 2 nain shopping centres Bayside and Karringal with less shops and parking areas looking like a building site.. We dont need it.
Good for Frangers to move fwd and create jobs to sustain the economy.
I’m happy
In a world now buying on the Internet what place has a new shopping complex?
Mornington shopping is dead!
Dandenong, Frankston, Melbourne, center’s are dieing?
Why more white Elephants?
Totaly unwanted. nobody shops in Frankston because of parking. why shop at bayside when you can shop in Southlsnd with no parking fees
Frankston has so much to offer. Frankston should be show casing the gateway to the Mornington Peninsula-bright airy and coastal but restore some of the heritage.
Such good news. Hopefully good stores will go into the new centre. Some local produce stores would do well. Good local fashion brands. David Jones. Doc would be good (Italian Wood Fire)
Would be great to have a new Sofietel Hotel like Ringwood is getting too.
Time for a new regional city