FRANKSTON’S hard rubbish collection got underway this week.
Hard waste should be put out no earlier than the Saturday before pick up week. Anyone who puts their hard rubbish on the nature strip earlier risks incurring a fine for illegal dumping.
Brochures will be sent out to residents two weeks before their collection date.
Hard rubbish should not exceed two metres across, one metre high, and one metre in depth.
Frankston councillor David Asker says “residents can help us do the job as efficiently by neatly placing no more than two cubic metres of waste out for pick up, well out of the way of your bins.”
“Scavenging is strongly discouraged, however, people may remove items if they have sought the permission of the resident. Please be mindful that we are still in a COVID-19 pandemic and some people may be uncomfortable with being approached regarding this request,” he said.
To find out when your hard rubbish will be collected visit