A CHARGE on commercial properties in Mordialloc will be reintroduced starting from July.
Kingston Council has decided to reimplement a levy on some properties designated as commercial within Mordialloc. Most of the properties affected are on Main Street.
The Mordialloc Special Charge Scheme will be in place for seven years, from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2029. The report prepared by council officers reads that $416,850 will be raised over the course of the scheme.
The levy will fund projects and initiatives to be chosen by the Mordialloc Traders Association. The report prepared by council officers reads “the scheme, levied on all retail and commercial properties in the Mordialloc Main Street Precinct, was first introduced on 1 July 2004 for an initial term of five years. Subsequent renewals occurred in 2009 for five years and 2014 for a further seven years. The most recent scheme period expired on 30 June 2021. The Mordialloc Traders Association placed the renewal on hold for the 2021-2022 financial year due to the challenging trading conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Council says that no objections to the plan were received during the public consultation period. “The scheme will provide a special benefit to the businesses required to pay the special charge and the property owners,” the council officer’s report read. “The long-term viability of the Mordialloc Main Street Precinct as a retail and commercial area will be enhanced through increased economic activity [and] the value of properties included in the scheme, their desirability as leasing propositions, and their general image and stature will be maintained and enhanced.”
In a letter to council, Mordialloc Traders Association President Megan Thornton said that the charge would help promote local businesses. “As they are working so incredibly hard, many of these businesses do not have the time, funds or energy to put into marketing themselves at the moment and this is where the MTA come in. Not only have we just hired a new and dynamic marketing manager, we have launched a brand-new website, launched a new social media campaign and are rolling out at least four times as many events in 2022 as any other year previously. This will all be achieved with approximately the same budget as previous, as we have only raised the special levy charge minimally.”
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 13 April 2022