DELIBERATE damage to bus shelters on the Mornington Peninsula is costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
On Tuesday morning – 21 June – a bus shelter near the corner of Main and Barkly streets Mornington was vandalised, causing hundreds of dollars damaged.
It is believed police have interviewed a suspect and charges are likely to be laid.
However, residents say the damage to bus shelters is ongoing and more police patrols and better CCTV cameras should be installed in known hot spots.
Another bus stop, near for football ground in Mornington was also allegedly damaged last week, as well as one in Hastings (below) the previous week.

It is not suggested the shelters were damaged by the same person.
An anonymous caller to The News said the Barkly Street bus shelter had been the focus of graffiti over the past 12 months as well as some damage, all under the “watchful eye” of cameras at the intersection.
A Department of Transport spokesperson said public transport shelters provided comfort and protection from weather for passengers and “it’s disappointing that the anti-social behaviour of a few people who vandalise shelters impacts on their experience”.
Anyone witnessing vandalism should report it to police or call 1800 501 402.