AN inflatable blimp used by protesters against high-rise developments near the Frankston foreshore has exploded, injuring two people.
The blimp was flown over Frankston last month. The message “Stop the Great Wall of Frankston” is printed on its side.
Last Tuesday, 7 March, two members of the Kananook Creek Association were seriously burned when the blimp exploded in a garage on Gould Street.

Kananook Creek Association acting chairman Rob Thurley said, “this is the worst accident in Kananook Creek Association Inc’s 53 year history”.
“Many would have seen the airship in the skies over the Frankston waterfront enjoying the fun at the Waterfront Festival. The airship exploded while topping up with air for more potential flights on the Labour Day long weekend,” he said.
Two people were taken to hospital for treatment.
Thurley said that police will investigate the explosion.