FRANKSTON has a new deputy mayor. North-East Ward councillor Michael O’Reilly was elected to the role at council’s latest public council meeting on 2 July.
A split 5-3 vote of councillors saw Cr O’Reilly, first elected to council in 2012, become deputy mayor in predecessor Cr Lillian O’Connor’s absence on approved personal leave “for several months”.
Crs Kris Bolam, Brian Cunial, Sandra Mayer, O’Reilly and the mayor Cr Colin Hampton voted for Cr O’Reilly to be deputy mayor.
South Ward councillor Steve Toms, deputy mayor last year, also put his hand up for the deputy mayorship last week. Crs Glenn Aitken, Quinn McCormack and Toms voted for Cr Toms.
“As a key marginal seat, Frankston City has an opportunity to make all sides of politics take notice of issues and projects which are important to our whole community ahead of the state election,” Cr O’Reilly said in a statement after the meeting.
The deputy mayor role does not see the incumbent receive any additional remuneration on top of an annual $29,630 allowance plus expenses.
The mayor of the day is paid $94,641 over a 12-month term.
The deputy mayor is expected to attend functions and meetings the mayor is unable to attend and to chair public council meetings in the mayor’s absence.
Cr Hampton thanked Cr O’Reilly for accepting the role.