ALL residents in the Kingston local government area should one day live within 400 metres of an open public space, a new Kingston Council plan reads.
A final strategy for the future of open space in the Kingston municipality is being formed. Kingston Council has commenced consultation on its draft open space strategy. The strategy was written after a round of community consultation earlier in the year.
In addition to the draft open space strategy, council is also working on a draft Green Wedge management plan. Consultation on the Green Wedge plan is expected to begin soon.
Kingston mayor Hadi Saab said that the open space strategy “prioritises investment in additional open space for suburbs with high density housing, while improving what is existing, and designing timeless spaces that encourage a diversity of use. We want everyone in Kingston to have access to an open space within 400 metres of their home.”
“Our urban landscape is unique in Kingston, and we are committed to providing accessible and sustainable open spaces and working with our community to protect and enhance them, both for now and the future,” he said. “Whether encouraging social connections, improving mental health, or promoting healthy lifestyles by providing opportunities for physical activity and connection to green spaces and nature, the importance of these spaces can’t be underestimated.”
The open space strategy reads that it will “identify gaps (issues and opportunities) in the existing open space activity networks based on Plan Melbourne ’20-minute neighbourhood’ and walking distances for each open space type.”
Consultation closes 29 September. To make a submission visit
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 13 September 2023