THE winners of the 2020 OptiKa photo competition have been announced. Mark Forbes won the best photograph award, taking home a $4,000 prize. Amelia Jewell won the $1,000 portrait award and Emily Gough received the video award. The OptiKa photo competition is in its 13th year. The theme of this year’s competition was “connection”. Entrants in the 2020 competition are currently having their work displayed at DFO Moorabbin. The people’s choice award winner is still yet to be decided. The winner of the $1000 prize will be announced on 26 April. To see the OptiKa exhibition visit DFO Moorabbin, 250…
Author: Bayside News
KINGSTON councillors have voted to approve a pay rise for the mayor. At their most recent meeting, councillors approved a motion to determine that “the mayoral allowance increase to $100,434 within the category three range, plus an amount equivalent to the superannuation guarantee contribution.” Council currently pays the mayor $94,282.96 a year, plus super. A report prepared by council officers read that “given the increased responsibility of the mayor with the changes to council structure of nine councillors to eleven and increased legislative responsibilities due to the Local Government Act 2020, it is proposed that the mayoral allowance increase from…
LIKE a phoenix rising from the ashes, a new mural will be created in Chelsea to replace one that is scheduled to be destroyed. Level crossing removal works will see the Art Pass mural at Chelsea Station destroyed. The mural was completed by artist Anu Patel in 2013. Now that her work is scheduled to be torn down, Ms Patel has been tasked with creating a new artwork to be installed in Chelsea’s shopping precinct. Ms Patel will host workshops with the community to help shape her new piece. The mayor Steve Staikos “the original piece was created following…
PUBLIC sector aged care residents and staff on the Mornington Peninsula have begun receiving their first doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Residents at Peninsula Health’s Carinya Aged Care Centre at Capel Sound rolled up their sleeves last week, as phase 1a of the vaccine rollout is expanded across the region after beginning with frontline healthcare staff at Frankston Hospital. Carinya nurse unit manager Michelle Paine says Carinya’s staff, residents and their families are keen to receive the first of their two vaccine doses, as they see the vaccine program as an important step towards protecting themselves and each other. “The last…
MORE patients reported to Frankston Hospital needing surgery for “drug related injuries” during the COVID-19 lockdown, research from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons shows. The research shows that 12 surgeries for substance abuse were performed at the hospital between 22 March and 17 May in 2020, compared to six surgeries from 22 March to 17 May, 2019. During the first lockdown period, surgeries for bicycle trauma and for DIY injuries also increased. RACS specialist plastic surgeon, Marc Seifman, said “the research paints a picture of what people were doing during the pandemic.” “Unsurprisingly more than 80 per cent of…