Author: Bayside News

A WOMAN returned a breath test reading of nearly four times the legal limit in Somerville last week. Police pulled over the 26-year-old Carrum Downs resident on Eramosa Road East at around 8.30pm, 24 March. They allege that she was driving at 60kmph in a 40 zone. The woman returned a roadside breath test reading of 0.185. Police say that she told them she had “drunk a bottle of wine throughout the afternoon and thought she would be right to drive”. The woman’s license was suspended and her car was impounded. She will face court at a later date. First…

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THE next phase of the Seaford Shared User Path project will be constructed along the railway line between Coolibar Avenue and Eel Race Road. A Frankston Council statement read that the Level Crossing Removal Authority had notified them of their intentions to begin construction between Coolibar Avenue and Eel Race Road. Council wrote to LXRA CEO Kevin Devlin in February to advocate for construction of the path via Riviera Street instead. A council statement read that “a revised Riviera alignment proposed by Southern Program Alliance (SPA), which is completing the local LXRA projects, would affect fewer established trees than the…

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TWO Frankston line stations have closed while level crossing removal works are undertaken. Mentone and Cheltenham stations both shut last week. They will be replaced by new stations, which are scheduled to open in mid-2020. Buses are replacing trains between Moorabbin and Mordialloc until 27 March. Buses also replace trains on the Stony Point line during that time. A statement from the Level Crossing Removal Project stated “works will go ahead with stringent protocols in place to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, providing job security for workers on our major projects and ensuring progress continues to deliver a better train network…

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THE free shower facility for the homeless on Playne Street is set to expand from one day of operation to three. The showers opened late last year, and were available on Tuesdays for two hours from 12.30pm. The facility will now be open at the same time on Fridays and Sundays as well. The facility is run by Donation Chain. They announced the expansion of their service on social media. “Towels, bathmats, toiletries, new socks, underwear and seasonal fruit are all provided free of charge,” they said. “We currently have many brilliant volunteers that keep the showers going but we…

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A DOG has survived after ingesting rat bait thrown over the fence of a home in Carrum Downs. Seaford Veterinary Hospital wrote on their Facebook page on 12 March that they had treated a dog which had swallowed rat poison hidden inside meat. “One of our clients dogs has a confirmed rodenticide toxicity after rat bait was tossed over her fence in Tyntynder Drive Carrum Downs,” the statement read. “Tragically one of her much loved little dogs died of this in November despite having apparently absolutely no access to poison of any kind either in their home or when out…

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