Author: Bayside News

THREE cars, cash and computer equipment were stolen from two properties in Waterways, 3.50am, Monday 13 March. The thieves stole $800 from a man’s wallet and car keys from a Volkswagen Golf parked in a driveway in Coorong Circle. The keys were used to steal a Subaru sedan parked across the street. Inside was an iMac Air laptop and iPad valued at $2700.  A Holden Astra hatch was also rifled in the driveway on the same night and a Dell laptop stolen. The Subaru was later recovered from Starlight Cr, Waterways, with the laptop and iPad inside. Two cars were…

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A CHELSEA man saw three women – one armed with a claw hammer and another a tomahawk – inside his neighbour’s garage, 7.20am, Saturday 11 March. One of the women was allegedly carrying a TV set. When the man attempted to film the women from the front door of his Glenola Rd unit, one called out: “You have chosen the wrong girls to mess with.” When the man retreated inside, one of the women ran up and kicked his front door, then allegedly hit his car with an implement causing a small dent. The women then got into a white…

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AN Uber driver was warned, “Don’t call the police or I will shoot you” by one of two men who attacked and robbed him in Wells Rd Chelsea, 2.30am, Monday 13 March. The 28-year-old, of Pascoe Vale, had pulled over when his car overheated after dropping off a passenger in Frankston. Police said two men in a silver Ford Territory which stopped nearby demanded the driver hand over “everything he had”. When the driver said he only had a phone the pair punched, kicked and choked him before stealing his phone and wallet containing various credit and security cards. They…

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A YOUTH was stabbed as he walked along a foreshore path off Beach Rd, Mentone, 10pm, Saturday 11 March. The 17-year-old, of Chelsea Heights, was with a friend when he was punched in the face by an unknown assailant and then felt what he thought was a push in the back. Soon afterwards he felt a “warm sensation and pain to his left shoulder”. When he saw that his jumper was covered in blood he realised he had been stabbed. While his friend ran to fetch the others further along the path, the victim ran towards Beach Rd and waived…

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CHELSEA beach is a whole lot cleaner after more than 38kg of rubbish was collected last Wednesday (8 March) by the dedicated volunteers of Chelsea Beach Patrol and some enthusiastic school students. Chelsea Beach Patrol is a group of community-minded volunteers who have the common mission of cleaning up the mess each month that others leave behind at Chelsea, Bonbeach and Edithvale beaches. Zone manager Lucy Bonham, who is a teacher at Nossal High School in Berwick, took 44 students from year 9 to 11 to assist in this month’s clean-up, and says the experience was “eye opening”. “The students…

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