THE absence of the Minister of Lands from the city last week made it impossible for the Hon. Alfred Downward to arrange a date for the reception of a deputation of Frankston ratepayers on the High School site question. Mr. Downward wired the Shire Secretary to this effect on Wednesday last, but ratepayers were not satisfied that all was being done that could be done to fix a date with the Minister. A deputation consisting of Messrs Lind, Pratt, and Ward waited on councillors on Friday night last and expressed anxiety lest the matter should be allowed to drag on…
Author: Cameron McCullough
THE race meeting held by the Mornington Racing Club on Tuesday, in glorious weather, was decidedly successful, and the Hastings Memorial Hall will benefit considerably. There was a large attendance and everything went with a swing throughout. The President (Mr. T. Ritchie) and secretary (Mr. H. Downward) spared no efforts to make the meeting successful in every way. The racing opened with the Maiden Plate, with Kuarangi declining the engagement, Paragon and Sir Blankney were made hot favorites. Dolly Varden, handled by ‘Tich’ Wilson, of King Ingoda fame, got the best of the start, but she was beaten into third…
WHILE driving a motor car over a level crossing at Moorooduc on February 8, Mrs. Ellen Firth, of Somerville, became suddenly afraid that she would be run down by an approaching train. She leaped from the car, and was struck by the engine, death being instantaneous. The line is straight at Moorooduc, and a clear view can be obtained. At the inquest held at the Morgue yesterday, Dr. Cole, the City Coroner, returned a finding of accidental death. He said no blame was attachable to the crew of the train. William Grady, driver of the express train from Mornington, said…
ON January 4th last the Council of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings passed a resolution to the effect that the Council’s High School Committee immediately write to the Education Department asking for a definite decision as to whether the alternate site would be accepted for a High School in lieu of the old cricket reserve. This letter did not leave Frankston till January 17, when Mr. John E. Jones, the Shire Secretary, at the suggestion of the “Standard” representative, kindly undertook to ask on behalf of the school committee and write to the Department himself. On Thursday last, as…
AT today’s Council meeting of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings, the Secretary of the Musicians’ Association, Melbourne, wrote asking permission to hold a picnic in the Frankston Park on Sunday. The applicant pointed out that owing to the members of this Association being employed continuously in the theatres and other places of amusement it was impossible to hold the annual outing on any day but Sunday. A guarantee was given that only members with their families would be present, and that everything would be conducted to the satisfaction of the Council. Cr. May: There is a principle concerned here.…