Author: Cameron McCullough

AT the Frankston Police Court on Monday last—before Messrs C. G. V. Williams (chairman), C. Grant, and W. P. Mason, J’s.P—a local resident named Edward Barber, dairyman, was charged by Frank Pickup, an employee of W. J. Oates, dairyman, with assault. He also made a claim for damages in connection with the assault. It was decided to hear both cases together. Mr L. R. N. Utber (Hunt & Utber) appeared for complainant, and defendant was represented by Pavey, Wilson & Cohen’s representative. Dr Charles Maxwell said he examined Pickup on December 26th and found him suffering from abrasions on the…

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A CURIOUS case is reported from up the line at Cheltenham. Mrs Henry Bungey, aged 33 years, was bitten on the lip by a mosquito, from which septic poisoning set in. Seven days of severe suffering followed; specialists were consulted, but they afforded no relief, the patient eventually dying in an unconscious state. *** IT is rumoured that among the visitors to Frankston on Xmas Day was the international cricketer, Mr Warren Bardsley, who recently made the huge score of 265 for New South Wales against South Australia. He also played finely in the Test just concluded at Melbourne. ***…

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EDWARD Dess, Draper, of Frankston, proceeded against W. Connal on a charge of using insulting words near a public place on the 3d December. Mr. Smart appeared, for the complainant, and, Mr. L. L. Rostron for defendant, who pleaded not guilty. Complainant said that on the day in question he was behind his counter transacting business when defendant rushed into the shop, and shaking his fists in complainant’s face said, “Dess, you German; you are nothing but a – German. You have no right to be in Frankston among patriotic people.” Complainant said that defendant repeated the words and similar…

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THE public meeting held at Frankston last Tuesday night for the purpose of considering the matter of forming a bowling club, established the fact that a good deal of enthusiasm underlies the movement. The shire president (Cr W. P. Mason) explained that he had convened the meeting by request, and it gave him considerable pleasure in so doing. A bowling green would, he was sure, prove a great asset to the town, and attract visitors from all parts of the State. It was unanimously resolved on the motion of Mr Milner Macmaster, seconded by Mr E. J. Parker, that a…

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DURING last week, a huge whale was washed ashore at Stony Point. Weighing several tons, it measured 29 feet 8 inches in length. It had “a hole” in its side, as though it had been harpooned or shelled. We believe some, sailors are converting it into marketable properties. The value of the whale would be something like £200 or £250. *** “THE Age”, in a recent issue, reported that Kwong Sue Duk, the Chinese herbalist, who “hangs out” in Russell Street, was robbed of £1,200 in notes. Sue is what might be termed “a family man”. In China marriages are…

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