Author: Cameron McCullough

MR Mark Williams, who for many years acted as handicapper to the Frankston Athletic Sports Club, was the victim of a stupid joke at the A.N.A. sports on Monday last. In a spirit of jocularity, a man pointed a starter’s revolver at Mr Williams and pulled the trigger. Luckily, it contained only blank cartridges. However, the cartridge exploded and the wad hit Mr. Williams in the right eye. It is feared that he will lose the sight of the eye. As “The Age” says, the same thing has been done so often with such lamentable results that it is hard…

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MR W. Klauer, secretary of the Seaford Progress Association, has received the following communication from the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, under date of 17th January 1921: “I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 21st ult., asking that the commission will take the necessary steps to have the Seaford district deleted from the Order granted the Frankston and District Gas and Electric Light Co, in order that supply can be obtained from the Melbourne Electric Supply Co. The question of revoking the whole Order as proposed by the Frankston and Hastings Shire has now been considered by…

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THE opening of the stone quarries at Moorooduc on Friday, January 7 proved a notable event, destined to prove memorable in the history of the district’s development. Men competent to express an opinion on the subject give the unqualified verdict that the Council of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings has done the right thing in establishing an industry so vital to the needs of the municipality. The great need of the day is for roads and yet more roads. The council, assisted by the Country Roads Board, has not been unwilling to supply all reasonable demands for improved thoroughfares,…

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AT the Frankston Police Court on Monday last—before Messrs C. G. V. Williams (chairman), C. Grant, and W. P. Mason, J’s.P—a local resident named Edward Barber, dairyman, was charged by Frank Pickup, an employee of W. J. Oates, dairyman, with assault. He also made a claim for damages in connection with the assault. It was decided to hear both cases together. Mr L. R. N. Utber (Hunt & Utber) appeared for complainant, and defendant was represented by Pavey, Wilson & Cohen’s representative. Dr Charles Maxwell said he examined Pickup on December 26th and found him suffering from abrasions on the…

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A CURIOUS case is reported from up the line at Cheltenham. Mrs Henry Bungey, aged 33 years, was bitten on the lip by a mosquito, from which septic poisoning set in. Seven days of severe suffering followed; specialists were consulted, but they afforded no relief, the patient eventually dying in an unconscious state. *** IT is rumoured that among the visitors to Frankston on Xmas Day was the international cricketer, Mr Warren Bardsley, who recently made the huge score of 265 for New South Wales against South Australia. He also played finely in the Test just concluded at Melbourne. ***…

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