THE case of the Nobles, dealt with in the Frankston Police Court on Monday last, will probably excite a good deal of interest throughout the State, leaving an impression on the public mind that the accused were, perhaps, “more sinned against than sinning.” The attitude of the police in conducting the prosecution was wholly sympathetic. The Melbourne daily papers followed the lead thus given, and pictured to the astounded public the spectacle of a stricken family driven to crime to avert starvation. The story, as related in the Police Court, and reproduced in the Press, was sufficiently startling to give…
Author: Cameron McCullough
ON Wednesday last the Railways Commissioners arrived at Frankston by special train on their annual tour of inspection. They were met at the station by Cr F. H. Wells, and Mr H. Vicars, President of the Frankston Progress Association, and the secretary, Mr W. C, Young. Cr Wells reminded the Commissioners of the necessity for a sub-way or some other method to connect Wells Street with Cranbourne Road, and specially referred to the notice recently posted in the vicinity warning the public that trespassers at that point would be prosecuted. This, he contended, was contrary to a previous promise given…
AT the special meeting of the shire of Frankston and Hastings last Wednesday week, Cr. Hoban, president, presided for the last time. Cr. Oates spoke in high praise of the capable manner in which Cr. Hoban had carried out his duties as President of the Shire. He had been thoroughly impartial in carrying out the responsible duties of his office, and the council felt proud of the capable and dignified manner in which he had represented the shire on all occasions. Crs Mason, Armstrong and others spoke in appreciation of Cr Hoban and while regretting his departure, hoped that on…
STAGE four restrictions to stop the spread of COVID-19 have been hard for everyone. Disruption to regular routines and weeks on end without face-to-face contact with friends and family. But spare a thought for the members of one segment of the community who faced an agonising decision because of the coronavirus pandemic – overseas students. Those boarding at Peninsula Grammar, Mount Eliza had to decide whether to return home or remain in Australia for an unknown length of time. “As the coronavirus pandemic gathered steam earlier in the year, it became apparent that students would have to make a difficult…
After Somerville so narrowly missed victory on Saturday last, there were some of Somerville’s enthusiasts who thought that Somerville ought to lodge a protest against Frankston playing its one-time skipper, Bill Cain. Somerville alleged that it was an injustice to include one who had not played three qualifying games, as they allege that Cain played only two games – one against Dromana on May 21st and one against Somerville on August 14th. Despite the majority desiring to protest, the Somerville skipper, Hutchison, was strongly against it. “No. I’ll not sign any protests.” he remarked, when questioned by the writer. To…