OWNERS of hackney carriages are reminded that they must renew their licences forthwith for the year ending 30th September 1918. *** A GRAND ball and supper will be held in the Frankston Mechanics’ Hall on Friday evening next, in aid of the local Roman Catholic Church. No effort is being spared by the committee to make this function a success, in the way of having excellent music and a perfect floor, and a first class evening’s amusement is guaranteed at a small cost. *** THE Majestic Picture Co. gave another of their popular picture entertainments on Wednesday evening in the…
Author: Cameron McCullough
THE sad news was conveyed to Mr. G Upton last week that his son Gunner H. G. Upton had been dangerously wounded and that he is at present at the 13th General Hospital Bolongue in France. *** OWING to pressure on our space we are compelled to hold over Police Court news, meeting of Parents of State School Scholars re Flower Day and other matter till our next issue. *** A SERIES of Snowball teas have been inaugurated by the Frankston Red Cross Society, which it is hoped will be of material benefit to the funds of society. *** THE…
MR R. Clark, engineer on one of the dredges at Naval Base, has the unique distinction of having experienced two motor cycle accidents on two successive days and not sustaining any serious injuries therefrom. On Saturday last, when travelling towards Frankston, at a fair pace, Mr Clark’s machine skidded and he was thrown heavily to the road injuring his left hand and head. On Sunday afternoon he resumed his journey to Melbourne, but his injured hand had swollen very much and Mr Clark found too late that it was powerless and he could not work the controls. The cycle dashed…
IT is with extreme regret we have to record the death of Mr John Reynolds, which took place at St Pancras Hospital, Frankston, on Wednesday morning 1st, after a painful illness, the cause of death being “pernicious anemia.” The deceased, who was only 50 years of age, came to Frankston some 30 years ago, and commenced his trade as boot maker, and followed it up to within a few weeks of his death. The deceased was a great lover of cricket, and as young man took numerous trophies for excellence in the game. He was also connected with the Rangers…
A CASE of snakebite occurred at Frankston on Wednesday afternoon, the victim being a school boy named Alexander Nicholson. It appears that he, in company with other lads, was going through some scrub at the back of the school grounds when he felt what at first he thought was a thorn prick him on the knee. Later on he began to feel sick, and the head teacher was informed. On examination two distinct punctures were seen, and Mr Jennings at once tied a ligature above the marks, cut an incision each side and sucked the wound. The lad was then…