Author: Neil Walker

A WRITERS’ group in Mordialloc has celebrated 20 years battling the dreaded blank page and has released an anthology about the City of Kingston to commemorate the triumph of the pen over the page. The Mordialloc Writers’ Group founder Mairi Neil said the new book, called Kingston My City, aptly features 20 stories by 20 stories about how people feel about the city, “an amalgamation of suburbs”, they live in. Looking back at the group’s beginnings in 1995, Ms Neil said it was her late husband John who encouraged her to pursue her dream of writing when the couple moved…

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A SOLUTION to long-running concerns over wave baffles at Mordialloc Creek could be imminent. Boaties have long complained that boats moored at the creek suffer storm damage since worn baffles at the creek mouth no longer provide enough protection from high waves. Mordialloc Labor MP Tim Richardson has called on Ports Minister Luke Donnellan to investigate replacement of the wave baffles. “The wave baffles are in place to reduce the wave energy coming from Port Phillip Bay up through the mouth of the Mordialloc Creek,” Mr Richardson said in Parliament earlier this month. “The current wave baffles have all but…

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EVOCCA College could face a class action before the end of the year from disgruntled students unhappy with the marketing of vocational courses by the registered training organisation. Solicitor Benjamin Kramer is gathering expressions of interest from former students who believe they were “pressured to sign up or lured in unfairly”. The Queensland based college opened a campus in Frankston in 2013. Mr Kramer says he was contacted by a friend who is a former student of Evocca College “dissatisfied with the service they received”. The Sydney lawyer said “about 250” people so far had expressed an interest in joining…

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AN after-hours medical centre at Frankston Hospital will shut its doors for the last time later this month amid claims federal funding cuts are to blame. The Labor state government says the axing of $100,000 in annual federal funding has forced Medicentre, a privately owned after-hours general practice that bulk bills more than 10,000 consultations a year, to shut up shop. “The Medicentre’s location in Frankston Hospital allows our community to utilise a number of facilities such as radiology and pathology, which would otherwise be inaccessible after hours,” Frankston Labor MP Paul Edbrooke said. “It is a very busy, very…

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HOSPITALS have been ordered to review car parking fees after a review found some regular patients and visitors are financially burdened with hefty costs due to repeat visits. The Labor state government promised to review hospitals’ car parking fees before last year’s state election and commissioned an independent review of carparks at Victoria’s public hospitals. The review found hospitals charge different car parking rates and only some provide discounted parking to regular patients, visitors, carers and pensioners. In some cases discounted carpark fees were not displayed or promoted by hospitals. The government has ordered every public health service operating fee-based…

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