ON Tuesday evening Mrs Parker, wife of Mr E. J. Parker, president of the Frankston Football Club, tendered a complimentary dinner to the premiers of the recent competition, at the Bay View Hotel. There was a representative gathering of players and members of the Club. Great care had been expended by the hostess in preparing for the occasion. The banquet hall was a blaze of color composed of flags and floral effects with an artistic blending of red and black, representing the victorious team’s colors. The Union Jack and Australian Flag appropriately occupied pride of place, and accorded perfectly with…
Author: Cameron McCullough
THE original intention of the authorities was to include the line to Frankston among the first railways to be electrified. That was before the commencement of the war. During the last five years the scheme naturally hung fire, and no one wondered very much, believing that with the cessation of hostilities the long-delayed work would be proceeded with on the plans already formulated. It will come as a rude surprise to many to learn that it is now suggested to hang up the electrification of the Frankston line in favour of what is described as the outer suburban system. The…
A DEPUTATION, introduced by the Hon. A. Downward, waited on the Minister of Education on Wednesday last. The school committee was represented by Cr. Armstrong and Messrs Klauer, Moffatt and H. J. McCulloch, while Messrs Hunter, Martin and Laing attended from the Progress Association. Cr Armstrong followed Mr Downward in making out a strong case for definite and prompt action, and all the other speakers ably supported. In reply the Minister said that instructions had been given to purchase Muntz’s site, and the school would be erected immediately negotiations were concluded. The deputationists warmly thanked the Minister for his decision…
Officers from Southern Metro Region have arrested two people and seized drugs and a handgun in Seaford last night as part of Operation Night Eagle. Police were patrolling when they spotted a vehicle of interest at a car wash near the intersection of Klauer Street and Frankston-Dandenong Road about 11pm. Investigators searched the vehicle and located a high-powered handgun, large quantity of cash and a commercial quantity of drugs. The pair were both arrested and taken back to a police station where they were interviewed. A 30-year-old man from Mornington and a 33-year-old woman from Sandhurst have been charged with…
ON Friday night 17th inst Councillor, W. J. Oates J.P. met with a serious riding accident, in which he sustained a fractured thigh. His condition for several days was serious, but under the care of Dr Maxwell he is said to be progressing favorably, although it will be many weeks before he will be able to get about again. Cr Oates had been attending the usual meeting of the Repatriation Committee at Frankston and was returning home at about 10 o’clock, when the horse he was riding stumbled over a heap of road metal on the pathway, and falling heavily,…