Author: Neil Walker

THE state government has declined to dismiss the possibility of a sky rail along the Frankston line as part of its plans to remove eleven level crossings. Labor Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan was asked in Parliament last week by Liberal shadow public transport spokesman David Hodgett whether the minister will “now categorically rule out future sky rail ever being considered for the Frankston line. Yes or no?”. Ms Allan said the government “will be taking the advice of the experts and the engineers on what is right for each location” and accused Mr Hodgett of “scaremongering” to try to…

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THE heritage-listed train station at Mentone could be in danger of removal as part of planned works to separate road from rail at the Balcombe Rd level crossing. Friends of Mentone Station and Gardens group chairwoman Dorothy Booth says an apparent lack of community consultation before the state government announced an elevated Sky Rail plan for three sections of the Cranbourne-Pakenham line is a concern. “If what they’ve done on the Dandenong line is the government’s idea of consultation then I’m very apprehensive about it all,” she said. Ms Booth said a representative from the Level Crossings Authority has said…

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A RESTRUCTURE of the CSIRO announced last week has put the future of the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Centre in Aspendale in doubt. CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall sent an email to all staff at the national science organisation last Thursday (4 February) to advise staff cuts in departments tasked with monitoring climate change. The Aspendale laboratory, where scientists research the effects of climate change, is expected to bear the brunt of the job losses. CSIRO Staff Association president Dr Michael Borgas, an air quality scientist, said up to 70 from a total of 110 staff at Aspendale could face…

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SOME Frankston councillors fear being railroaded into accepting an “intrusive” elevated rail line from Mordialloc to Frankston as part of the state government’s plan to remove level crossings from the Frankston line but the majority of their colleagues feel it is too soon to worry about a so-called Sky Rail plan. The Labor state government has committed to separate rail and road at eleven locations along the Frankston line including rail crossings at Carrum’s Eel Race Rd, Seaford’s Seaford Rd and Frankston’s Skye Rd/Overton Rd intersections. A motion by Cr Glenn Aitken to have council call a meeting with the…

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THE bad guys were the good guys on Saturday when Stormtroopers from the Star Wars movies visited children at Frankston Hospital. The representatives of The Empire turned from the Dark Side of The Force to show their good side by handing out free Star Wars books to patients on the children’s ward. Imperial Stormtroopers from the 501st Legion, a worldwide group of Star Wars fans who make and wear costumes from the movies, regularly attend events to raise money for charity or entertain children in hospitals. Australian Stormtrooper Mark Marcus, of Cranbourne South, says he decided to enlist in the…

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